How did the hand pies look? Did you love the brownies? How many choux did you eat in one sitting? Yes, these are the things I think about. So today, after creating a gorgeous selection of our favorites for a client to send as a new year’s gift, I was given a gift of my own: direct feedback from the recipients of the pastries. I was so happy, I had to share it with you.
So here it is, you loving what we love. Maybe I don’t know where to look for spicy food in Europe, or maybe my idea of spicy differs from the palate here, but I’ve noticed that there’s a decided lack of spicy heat on this side of the pond. I haven’t turned into one of those spice monsters that travel around with ghost chilli pepper flakes in their pocket, but I do appreciate that tingly burn you get when digging in to a perfectly spicy dish.

How did the hand pies look? Did you love the brownies? How many choux did you eat in one sitting? Yes, these are the things I think about. So today, after creating a gorgeous selection of our favorites for a client to send as a new year’s gift, I was given a gift of my own: direct feedback from the recipients of the pastries. I was so happy, I had to share it with you.
So here it is, you loving what we love. Maybe I don’t know where to look for spicy food in Europe, or maybe my idea of spicy differs from the palate here, but I’ve noticed that there’s a decided lack of spicy heat on this side of the pond. I haven’t turned into one of those spice monsters that travel around with ghost chilli pepper flakes in their pocket, but I do appreciate that tingly burn you get when digging in to a perfectly spicy dish.